The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), on Wednesday, announced that mobile devices with SIM or IMEI functionality brought into Pakistan, which have been seized or voluntarily presented to Customs authorities after January 15, 2019, shall be released on payment of applicable duty and taxes along with a 10 percent fine.
The FBR issued two notifications on Wednesday for Implementation of Device Registration Blocking System (DIRBS).
From January 15, 2018, the board has also given adjudication powers to the Additional Collector of Customs, Model Customs Collectorates, Deputy Collector and Assistant Collector of Customs for adjudication of cases of mobile phones in the country.
The purpose of the SRO 50(1)/2019 was to issue a procedure for payment of duties and taxes with a fine for the legalization of mobile phones brought into Pakistan, which have been seized or voluntarily presented to Customs authorities after January 15, 2019.
The second SRO51(I)/2019 has been issued with the purpose to give ample powers to deal with the cases of mobile phones for collection of duties, taxes and fine on them. The Additional Collector of Customs, Model Customs Collectorates, Deputy Collector and Assistant Collector of Customs would deal with the cases of mobile phones for collection of duties and taxes as well as fine on them.
The following is the text of the SRO 50(1)/2019:.- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 181 of the Customs Act, 1969 (IV of 1969) and notwithstanding anything contained in clause (a) of Notification No. SRO 499(1)/2009, dated the 13th June, 2009, the Federal Board of Revenue is pleased to direct that mobile devices with SIM or IMEI functionality brought into Pakistan in violation of the provisions of clause (s) of section 2 of the Customs Act, 1969 (IV of 1969), which have been seized or voluntarily presented to Customs authorities after 15th January, 2019, shall be released on payment of applicable duty and taxes along with with imposition of fine equivalent to ten percent of the amount of duty and taxes involved thereon.
Following is the text of the SRO51(1)/2019 issued here on Wednesday:.- SRO 51(1)/2019.- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 179 of the Customs Act, 1969 (IV of 1969), the Federal Board of Revenue is pleased to direct that for the adjudication of cases falling under Notification No. SRO 50(I)/2019 dated the 15th of January, 2019, the following officers are authorized, namely:-
(a) the Additional Collector of Customs, Model Customs Collectorates is empowered to exercise the powers of the Collector of Customs under clause (i) of sub-section (1) of section 179 of the said Act; and
(b) the Deputy Collector and Assistant Collector of Customs, Model Customs Collectorates are empowered to exercise the powers of the Additional Collector of Customs under clause (ii) of sub-section (1) of section 179 of the said Act.
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