The natural feature of the age is that when the plants get old, he throws them out and plants new ones.
Mir Zameer and Mir Khaliq were seated on the bed of old age, Mir Anis was promoted to the pulpit in place of his father, from where Mirza Dabir came out to compete with him.
As the two young men began to roar in the arena of Majalis, the clouds of progress of the said art began to thunder and rain and new innovations and inventions began to rain down.
The perfection of the youth was appreciated by the believers, they were more than the number of the elders and very heavy in weight. The Word has created a value that is even greater in Paradise! Appreciation did not end in mere verbal praise and admiration, but in the form of cash prizes and gifts were presented in the form of gifts and offerings.
Thanks to these incentives, the flight of thoughts and the reach of minds increased hope. Both of them proved that we are real and research poets. And we are the ones who tie the spell of every color of article, of every kind of thought, of every situation with the combination of our words, whether we want to cry, whether we want to laugh, whether we want to make an image of wonder.
(Selection from Azad’s book Water of Life)
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