The wheel of time turns fast and children grow up … just like movies
I’m not the only one … now in real life time passes just as fast
Showbiz stars often post pictures of their children after a long time
I can’t believe it was the same little boy … even from the height of his parents
A lot of kids have gone upstairs
Children of Shaista Lodhi
Shaista Lodhi is starting to look younger than her age, especially when she is her own
Standing among the children, they often looked like their older or sometimes equal sister
The sons are the same height as him but his daughter who is the youngest
She is beating everyone in her stature and little faith suddenly of mother
She is even taller than her shoulders. The second son Faiz is also a doctor
He has grown taller than Shaista … Most people do not even believe that it is theirs
Is a daughter or a son …

Son of Noman Ijaz
Noman Ijaz’s eldest son has become exactly like him, he has a mustache
Like his father and when he stands with his father
It only looks two inches taller than them … this baby has grown so fast in the last two years
He has come and stood on his father’s shoulder and looks older than his age
It seems …

Daughter of Nada Yasir
Morning show host Nada Yasir’s daughter Salah Yasir is now with her parents
It’s been a long time and Nada Yasir and she have regular clothes together
She shares … she gives advice on designing in her home … and
Recently, when Nada posted a picture of Salah with him regarding Karuna
People understood that soon Nada Yasir’s daughter will also be on the screen
They are about to turn … because now they are starting to look like Nada or maybe
The mother is starting to look like her daughter …

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