Tuscany: The centuries-old Italian submerged village has caused a stir in the tourism sector, with tourists eager to see the submerged historic village.
Foreign media According to the 12th century Italian village, which went under water, is about to rise again after 1994, the village is submerged in the water of a dam that is being emptied for maintenance. ۔
The village of Fabrice de Kriegen is located in the Tuscany region of central Italy, which was submerged in the waters of the artificial lake Wagley after the construction of a nearby dam in 1946. Now, 26 years later, it is returning to the surface. It first surfaced in 1958, then in 1974 and then in 1983, and lastly in 1994 due to the evacuation of the dam for maintenance.
This ruined village consists of complete houses, a bridge and a church, and it comes to the surface when the lake is emptied for the maintenance of the dam, now it will be emptied next year 2021. The move is said to have revived tourism in Italy, which has been devastated by the Corona virus epidemic.
The last time the village rose to prominence, millions of people flocked to see it. Once again, tourists were shocked by the news, with Lorenza Georgie, daughter of former city mayor Elio Dominico Georgie, paying a fee. The book claims that reliable sources have said that the village is about to re-emerge next year, this time with the expectation that more than one million tourists will visit it this summer.
It should be noted that Lorenza was born in the village of Georgie Wagley Die Soto, the village where the people of Fabrice Die Kriegen were relocated to settle, and their homes were flooded, now home to 34 million people. Quebec is under water.
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