The late poets, critics and rare working personalities of Urdu language and literature in every era, who were appreciated, who were considered as the emperors of Malik Sokhan, are Mir Taqi Mir.
A famous ghazal of this great poet of Urdu language, whose informed and often the first stanza is still the subject of every saying, speech, story, anecdote, writing according to the subject and is well read.
This ghazal is being devoted to the study of tasteful readers.
All measures were reversed. Some medicine did not work
Look, this heart disease has finally done its job
Take the age of youth in tears, close your eyes
That is, there were many nights, I woke up in the morning and rested
This is an unjust accusation of sovereignty against us
If you want, then you have done it in vain
This is all we have to do with the black and white of this world
Crying in the morning at night or in the evening during the day
Sarzad was less rude than us, even in horror
He prostrated himself every step of the way
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