After releasing its first Mi branded smartwatch in November 2019, Xiaomi unveiled the Mi Watch Color on 30th December without mentioning any of the specifications. That changes now as the company has revealed the pricing details on Weibo and all the specifications have been listed on the pre-order page.
Design and Display
Display-wise, it features a 1.39-inch AMOLED screen with a 454 x 454 resolution. Xiaomi has also added 110 dial displays for users to choose from.
The smartwatch is equipped with FIRSTBEAT to analyze the user’s physical activity and provide professional training guidance. It can also measure VO2Max and comes with heart rate monitoring. A new feature added to Xiaomi Watch Color is real-time monitoring of energy level. It will tell the user to take a break when he/she has engaged in energy-draining tasks.
Apart from this, it comes with typical smartwatch features like Bluetooth 5.0 LE, GPS, GLONASS, water-resistance up to 50 meters, NFC, bus card payments, ambient light sensor, a gyroscope, a geomagnetic sensor, an accelerometer, and a barometer.
Moreover, it can track a total of 10 activities including outdoor running, indoor running (treadmill), trail running, climbing, outdoor cycling, elliptical training, walking, free training, indoor swimming, and open water swimming.
The user will be able to control the watch using Xiaomi’s built-in XiaoAI Assistant. Since the Mi Watch Color does not come with a speaker, it will display the responses on the screen. On the software front, the smartwatch does not run MIUI but has a similar user interface.
Battery and Pricing
The battery capacity of this smartwatch is 420 mAh which, according to Xiaomi, can last up to 14 days in smartwatch mode, 22 days in basic mode and 22 hours in outdoor sports mode.
The smartwatch will be available for sale by 3rd January 2020 and will set users back $115.
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