Xiaomi, under its Youpin crowdfunding platform, has launched the Line Friends Bluetooth earbuds. Line Friends is a Chinese celebrity brand and is well-known for products launched under the slogan “cuteness overloaded”.
These truly wireless earbuds are themed after the famous Brown Bear and Sally characters and come in two models. The earbuds’ storage box is pretty fancy, the brown bear ones have tiny bear ears on them while the sally themed are oval boxes in mustard color.
Other Specifications
These earbuds come with Bluetooth 5.0 technology, hence the headphones are less susceptible to noise and will provide a more stable connection. As far as the battery is concerned, the exact capacity is unknown but Xiaomi has claimed standby time of 6 days. Just like all the other wireless earbuds, the case has magnets that prevent the buds from falling out as soon as the case opens. This also turns the earbuds off as soon as they are placed inside the case.
Apart from this, these earbuds come with a 10m range and feature IP5X water and dust protection. The Line Friends true wireless earbuds are currently available in China and will cost $24.
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