Qualcomm announced its latest and greatest SoC at the Snapdragon Tech Summit last month. The Snapdragon 865 chipset is aimed at 2020’s flagship Android devices, and Oppo wants to beat everyone to it.
The Chinese phone maker is planning to unveil the Oppo Find X2 early in Q1 2020 and it will reportedly feature the Snapdragon 865 SoC.
Considering that the device is going to be a 2020 flagship, it will likely also feature a 90/120Hz screen refresh rate on a high-resolution display with a wider dynamic range and better color reproduction. It is also expected to feature Samsung’s latest 2 x 2 On-Chip Lens (OCL) for quicker and better autofocus and low light photography.
As mentioned before, the Oppo Find X2 is expected to arrive early in Q1 this year, but a precise release date hasn’t been announced yet. Stay tuned for updates.
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