Merey pass tum ho star Humayun Saeed, started the decade by performing Umrah with wife and sister in law on new year’s eve. The actor posted a photo of himself in the Holy city of Makkah, on Instagram and Twitter. In the caption the 48-year old expressed his life long desire to start the new year by observing Umrah. “Always wished to begin my new year at this most sacred place. Alhamdulillah, my wish came true this year. Bidding farewell to 2019 and welcoming 2020 with prayers and best wishes for all of you and our beloved Pakistan. May Allah bless us all with his infinite mercy and fill the next year and every year after with prosperity, love, peace and lots of happiness for all of us. Happy new year! I pray that 2020 is better for each and every one of us. Ameen” Humayun said. Fans and peers of the actor including Ahmed Ali Butt and Alizeh Shah wished him well. Humayun had a successful 2019, with his drama Merey pass tum ho becoming one of the most popular show of the year. Humayun’s performance as Danish in the show was praised by fans and critics alike.Pakistani actor Humayun Saeed started the new year by performing Umrah with his wife and sister-in-law. The 48-year-old actor took to Instagram and shared a picture of himself standing next to the Holy Kaabah in Makkah. He said it was his wish to ring in 2020 at the most sacred place. “Always wished to begin my new year at this most sacred place.
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