Ninebot, Xiaomi’s ecological chain company, is all set to release its new product by 17th December. Even though the company has been leaving a trail of clues on Weibo, nobody really knows what the product is.
However, considering Ninebot’s product lineup, the new product being teased is either an electric scooter or a car. If it’s the latter, it will most probably be an electric toy car.
Based on the poster uploaded on Weibo, it looks like Ninebot has collaborated with Haier for this new product.
Xiaomi has been expanding its product portfolio to devices and gadgets ranging from smart home products, fitness machines, wearables to IoTs and lots more. Thanks to this, apart from its hold on the premium smartphone market, the company has become quite popular around the world.
Ninebot is famous for its Segway-inspired self-balancing scooter that comes with a GoKart kit to convert the scooter to a racing GoKart. The self-balancing scooter is extremely popular for its affordable price and sleek design.
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Ninebot also acquired the American self-balancing scooter manufacturer Segway in 2015 thanks to its popularity and high sales. Even though Ninebot works as an independent company, it leverages Xiaomi’s reach to sell its product.
Watch this space for more on Ninebot.
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