Sania Mirza’s sister Anam Mirza got married to Mohammad Azharuddin’s son Asaduddin in Hyderabad last night. She announced her marriage with Asaduddin in a post on Instagram on December 12. In a celebration filled with friends and family, Anam Mirza, the sister of star tennis player Sania Mirza, married Asad, the son of former Indian cricket captain Azharuddin in Hyderabad on Wednesday. Dressed in a pink and purple ensemble with gold embellishments, the photo shows Anam seated next to her new husband, Asad, who wore a cream-coloured sherwani. In the days leading up to the event, social media was flooded with photos of the pre-wedding celebrations, including the Mehendi and bridal showers. Sisters Sania and Anam posted pictures. with both looking resplendent in outfits by designer Jayanthi Reddy. The photos also featured their mother, Nasima. Sania Mirza is an Indian professional tennis player. A former world No. 1 in the doubles discipline, she has won six Grand Slam titles in her career. From 2003 until her retirement from singles in 2013, she was ranked by the WTA as India’s No. 1 player in both the categories.
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