The bride, a journalist named Myrah Khan, was spotted in the car with Xeeshan donning a blush pink veil with statement jewelry including a pearl-encrusted tikka. Xeeshan sat next to her in what looks to be a white traditional suit.The celebrated fashion designer is known for his elaborate bridal gowns and unconventional fashion shows. Xeeshan also often chooses to spread some kind of message through his creations. In an interview with BBC Asian Network, Xeeshan recalled one of his most talked about fashion shows where models carried monkey dolls with them as a part of their ramp walk.
The designer said, “Most of the time in Pakistan, brides are treated like monkeys. They don’t have any say. They would be told to smile less or smile more, or to wear this or wear that, as if they were a product. That’s how I came up with the monkey doll. It’s a symbol for Pakistani brides.
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