Samsung Galaxy Fold has finally gone on sale after going through some reworks. Samsung claims that they have fixed the hinge problem by reducing the gap between the displays to stop dirt from falling in the gap and damage the display. They’ve also made sure the protective layer on the main screen cannot be peeled off anymore.
Now, of course, the biggest question is are the problems now fixed?. Unfortunately, the answer is no.
Zack Nelson over at JerryRigEverything spent some time with the device to test its durability and he got mixed results.
Check out the test below:
Scratch Test
The scratch test on the outer display was nothing out of the ordinary. The 4.6-inch 720p glass screen scratched at a level 6, with deeper grooves at level 7.
The more alarming results came from the inner display. The inner screen of the Galaxy Fold scratched at a level 2-3 since it is only made out of soft plastic. This means that even a scratch from your fingernail can cause considerable damage to the screen.
What’s worse is when Zack was scratch testing the sides of the device, the tip of his razor blade lightly pricked into the screen, causing an entire row of pixels on top of the device to die out with no touch response.
It is unfortunate how there’s no way to add good screen protection to this $2000 foldable phone.
For reference, the hardness levels mentioned here are on Moh’s Hardness Scale, where materials are rated based on how hard/durable they are. As a general rule, materials at a certain level on Moh’s scale can only be scratched by the same or harder material.
For example, a level 6 material can’t be scratched or damaged by a level 5 material, but it can be scratched by a level 6 or 7 material.
Gorilla Glass screens usually used in smartphones are usually level 6 whereas diamond, the hardest material, is a 10.
Dust and Bend Test
The dust test on the Galaxy Fold revealed that the device is not dustproof at all, even though Samsung claimed that the new hinge protection was supposed to keep the debris out. A handful of dust can easily get caught in the hinge, which can cause damage to the screen.
One bright spot for the Galaxy Fold in this video was the bend test. When Zack tried to bend the device in the wrong direction, the hinge didn’t break no matter how extreme the pressure was.
It seems that the hinge will not be a point of concern for Galaxy Fold users and they should worry more about the extremely fragile screen.
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