Phishing is probably one of the easiest ways someone can hack into your system or inject malware in it. All thanks to you clicking the wrong link.
In more sophisticated cases, attackers might send emails where they look just like a legitimate email but in fact, they redirect you to other malicious websites. This technique is called “spear phishing” and is the first step towards a cyber attack on a larger scale.
Phishing Quiz
To combat the ever-increasing number of spam emails and help people gain awareness of what a phishing attempt would look like, Jigsaw (a subsidiary of Alphabet) has created a quiz to judge you on your abilities to detect a phishing attempt.
It’s a fun little quiz to help yourself get better at detecting phishing attempts and you can take the quiz by clicking here.
According to a blog post on Jigsaw’s website, the quiz has been created on the basis of security training that has been held with nearly 10,000 journalists, activists and political leaders around the world. The well thought out quiz was designed keeping in mind all the latest techniques that the attackers use.
The quiz has 8 questions designed to simulate real-life scenarios that you might face. The quiz presents scenarios and gives you two options to click, depending on whether you think the situation is a phishing attempt or legitimate.
Don’t worry if you get some of them wrong, just work with your intuition and select an option. Whichever option you choose, Google explains how to tell if an email you’ve received is actually malicious or not. And at the end, you are presented with your score to see how well you did on the quiz.
How Can I Protect Myself?
Even if you did well on the quiz above, it’s still important to take precautionary measures in order to secure your account.
It is recommended that you activate two-factor authentication on your account. So in case your password and email do fall in the wrong hands, they can’t access your account without you actually granting them access to it.
Another step recommended by Google is to download and use a Chrome extension called Password Alert which detects a fake login page and prevents you from entering sensitive information.
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