Sony and Microsoft are close to launching their upcoming flagship gaming consoles – the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Two – which are the two big names known widely across the gaming industry.
The two consoles have been the big ringleaders for many years, and other gaming platforms have hardly managed to gain popularity in their stead. Steambox didn’t gain as much traction and Nintendo’s Switch serves a different niche altogether.
However, that might be changing in the coming months. Slightly Mad Studios, is up to something ground-breaking, the company is looking to launch “the most powerful console ever built”. This console, called “Mad Box” is already in pre-production and is being teased by the company’s CEO on social media website Twitter.
What is the Mad Box? It's the most powerful console ever built… It's literally 'Mad'… You want 4k, you want VR at 60FPS? You want a full engine for free to develop your games on it? You have it.
— Ian Bell SMS (@bell_sms) January 2, 2019
It's 'right' when your console can run at 120 FPS. We're not playing around here. This is beyond next gen. For too long have subtle iterations been accepted. Time to raise the bar, substantially. :)
— Ian Bell SMS (@bell_sms) January 2, 2019
According to the CEO, Ian Bell, the console is going to ship in three year’s time and will look and work just like the PlayStation and Xbox – only much more powerful.
Apparently, the Mad Box will blur the line between PC gaming and console gaming, by using some high-end hardware. The good thing is that Mad Box “will support most major VR headsets and those upcoming and the specs will be equivalent to a ‘very fast PC 2 years from now.”
The CEO doesn’t want to compete with the current consoles in the market but rather wants to “raise the bar substantially” with his company’s upcoming launch. He stressed,
We think the industry is a little too much of a monopoly or a micro oligopoly. We think competition is healthy and we have the required hardware contacts to be able to bring something epic to fruition based on our designs.
If the Mad Box delivers as promised, we can expect console gamers to get a similar gaming experience as a very expensive rig, with features like native 4K support, VR at 60 fps, and 120 fps gaming.
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