Ohkay so, the story of Cheekh is getting quite interesting. The fact that the writer for now is focusing on making either of the characters suspects is what is making it quite enticing & worthwhile. I think if they will keep the grip on the story just like how it is in these initial episodes then Cheekh will turn out to be a drama to remember. I kind of hesitate in praising Big Bang dramas now because it is a known fact how after the first 10 episodes the story loses the track & turns into something else. I hope with Cheekh that doesn’t turn out to be the case because keeping it to the point while making a steady progress is really important for it to work & stay impactful. They will grab the ratings anyways so here’s to hoping that they won’t go out of the way & ruin the drama for the sake of ratings.
This episode like all the previous episodes of Cheekh was done really well. Even though they have given an introduction to all the characters but I liked how they were still giving us an insight into each & everyone’s personalities. The most endearing aspect for me was showing what Nayab meant to Mannat & how Mannat was emotionally attached to her, that is why more than anyone else, Mannat was affected the most.
Everyone got to know that there was a rape attempt & no one especially Mannat could actually imagine that something like that could happen that too under her roof. I think by showing Haya’s indifferent attitude in the beginning, they have hinted it that later when things will become harder & difficult for her family, she will also leave Mannat’s side because eventually one of her family members will be involved. It is a done deal that it will be only Mannat who will stand by Nayab & fight this battle all alone right till the end.
Yawar continued to do everything that ensured his family stayed safe, away from any kind of unwanted attention that is why the first thing he did was indirectly pressurize Ramzan to be on his side by throwing some favours his way. The way Yawar didn’t let Wajih complete his sentence & let Amir know where he was actually hinted that he was trying to protect him. One of the most interesting conversations that happened was between Yawar & Wajih. It did seem like Yawar understood why Wajih insisted on seeing Nayab – may be Wajih wanted to see her in order to portray that he was genuinely worried while trying to put his guilty heart to ease? All the things Yawar said subliminally hinted over the fact that he knew what actually happened & why Wajih was behaving such a way.
The conversation between Wajih & Shariq was again one of the most important aspects of this episode. The dialogue of Shariq that has me confused is when he said “Wajih mujhe andar bhej ke tumne ghalti kar di”, suggesting or hinting that Wajih himself was out of the house when the incident happened? Could be possible that Shariq saw Yawar crossing the line with Nayab or Shariq being the culprit himself because now he was amused at the fact that everyone will suspect Wajih? It is commendable how the writer kept on giving out clues while shifting the doubts on Yawar, Wajih & Shariq. I however feel that the driver Sadiq is acting suspicious for no good reason, may be he has some kind of history of his own but I don’t think he is involved in this entire incident, may be!
Nayab finally spoke up & told Amir what she could. The focus on the word Raja is the biggest clue that has been given out so far. Raja was also the word that Wajih & Shariq used quite a bit but most importantly Wajih used it to refer to Shariq as well, but before Mannat used the word Raja to refer to Wajih in front of Nayab. Also, another thing that actually confused me as a viewer was Nayab’s expression when she saw Wajih, she didn’t seem disturbed or distressed seeing him so may be he is not the culprit or may be Nayab wanted to ask Wajih why he did all of that? Very interestingly & intelligetly done!
The pace of Cheekh has been good so far but then again it is in the early stages so I can only hope that they do not slow down the pace & continue with the story in the same manner. The direction so far is really good. I liked how casually some of the clues were hinted without making it too obvious. Cheekh for sure is the kind of the drama that will spark a national discussion because everyone will he talking about who the culprit is. The production value is great & I really like the art direction too. The backgrounds are aesthetically done & visually appeasing, I am glad they didn’t relt on gaudy furnishings to showcase the financial status of Yawar’s family, rather they kept it subdued while still making it look classy & elegant. I was never too keen on Aijaz Aslam as an actor but he really has outdone himself & so far along with Saba Qamar, he has stood out the most & I don’t see any other acting fitting the character of Yawar just so well like Aijaz Aslam. Saba Qamar looks ravishing in Cheekh & I can’t wait for Mannat to come to the forefront & do what it takes to get Nayab the justice she deserves. Nayer Ejaz is another perfectly chosen actor to play the role of a police inspector, right from the beginning he has set the mood right that he is in for business & is not going to sell-out. I also like the background music they have chosen, it perfectly sets the mood for a thriller that Cheekh is. Please share your thoughts.
Keep Supporting,
Zahra Mirza.
Zahra Mirza
Cheekh Episode 3
Overall Score
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